If you live in an area that is too cold for exotic flowers and trees, having potted plants throughout your home can add a beautiful touch to your interior decorating. If properly cared for, most outdoor plants can also be grown indoors. One thing to remember when growing exotic house plants is that this type of vegetation requires a lot of sunlight. By placing your exotic indoor plants close to open windows and doors you can ensure that they are provided with ample sunlight. One great plant that can be grown indoors and out is the flowering bonsai trees. These are small beautiful trees that have an Asian lineage. Bonsai trees are really cool plants because they are so miniature. These trees are known for their beautiful green leaves, with different ones having red flowers. Indoor bonsai plants tend to be less resistant to cold temperatures than the outdoor versions, but both require a warm climate. These small ornamental trees can add a beautiful and unique touch to any space, as long as they have proper outdoor or indoor plant care.
Another popular exotic plant is orchids. Growing orchids in your garden can make for a beautiful and colorful look. There are many different types of orchids to choose from when selecting the right choice for your garden. This exotic flower comes in many different colors ranging from white, to pink, to yellow, to a beautiful purple. One type of these flowers that is becoming increasingly popular for a diy garden is the cymbidium orchid plants. This orchid produces a stunning pink flower and is much more tolerant to cold weather than different flowering plants. These plants require ample water and sun to grow properly. However, too much direct sunlight can be harmful and actually cause your plants to sunburn. Pink and white are the most common colored orchids to grow in a garden, however if you want something more exotic the purple flowers are perfect for your taste. Bright purple orchids are similar in color to lavender plants, and can be a wonderful accent color in any design.
Another gorgeous exotic ground cover plants to incorporate into your design is the bird of paradise flower. This is one of the most unusual plants in that its appearance is very unique. This flower has three to five vivid orang petals that grow vertically, with two to three deep blue petals that grow horizontally. It has a very distinct look and often resembles a birds head and beak. Because this stunning flower originates in South Africa, it flourishes in warm and humid environments. If you wish to have some hardy tropical plants in your garden a great choice is the hibiscus flower. This beautiful plant produces a large trumpet shaped flower that has five petals. The colors range from pink, orange, yellow, purple, white or red. It is very common among gardeners who are looking for tropical Hawaiian plants and flowers. These plant bulbs can be purchased at your local nursery or even on websites online. The hibiscus is a very common flower to be planted in gardens and thus is very easy to come across.
If you are looking for an exotic tree to plant in your yard you may want to consider palms, bamboo, and cactus plants. Kentia palm trees are some of the most popular palms and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. These are very easy to maintain plants and can grow in almost any type of soil. Another great choice for your exotic garden is cactus plants. There are a wide variety of cactus that can be planted in your yard, you just want to be extra careful around these plants due to their production of sharp needles. If you want some rainforest plants to create an exotic feel, bamboo plants might interest you. The popular lucky bamboo plants would be a great choice to incorporate into your indoor garden because they are easy to maintain and add a unique touch to your home. Many people believe that these plants bring good luck and fortune to those that own them, making them a very popular addition to any home. Another lucky shrub to add to your garden is the jade plant. This deep green plant produces white and pink flowers that can add beauty and luck to your home.
When considering different landscaping ideas for a springtime revamp of your backyard you may want to think about adding exotic plants to your garden. Exotic flowers are among the most popular design ideas for 2022 because not only do they look amazing outside in your garden, but can also be unique indoor house plants. By searching through our garden plans gallery you can find many pictures of exotic plants incorporated into exterior designs. Adding exotic plants to your design can be a great way to make your garden stand out against others. These flowers and trees add a unique touch to your yard that other plants cannot. The bright and vibrant colors that these types of plants are known for add a foreign feel to your space which can make for a striking appearance. By incorporating some of the most popular exotic flowers and plants into your plans you can create your very own tropical oasis.
If you are unsure of where to start with your do it yourself tropical garden you can visit local nurseries for more information on plants and trees. An online plant nursery can also help you gain knowledge about different plant seeds and how to grow an exotic garden in your specific climate. If you want to plant unique trees in your garden you will want to visit tree nurseries where they can give you more specific information and guidance. Here you can also see what different flowers look like and purchase the rare tropical plants that you wish to add to your garden. While most exotic plants require a warm climate to grow and prosper, many of these plants have a strong resistance to cold weather. However, while these rare and unusual plants can hold up in cold weather, they are not very tolerant to freezing temperatures. If you live in an area that experiences a lot of freezing temperatures you may wish to consider plant greenhouses or growing indoors. You will want to be sure to do your research what kind of weather exotic seeds can thrive in.